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peruvian wool

  • Meet the people behind the textiles

    Our textiles in Peru were inherited by Pre-Incan cultures dating back over 10,000 years. Nazca, Paracas, and Chavin cultures are some examples of magnificent textiles masters who all used natural dyes, alpaca wool, vicuña wool, and cotton. Each culture used different textile patterns and colors t...
  • Quechua Language: The ancient Language behind our Collection

    When you were reading the names of our products did you think that they sounded different or unusual?.... You were right! We've chosen Quechua names for our first collection. What is Quechua? Quechua or Runasimi ("peoples language") is a native language spoken in Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombi...
  • What is Baby Alpaca Wool?

    Baby Alpaca Wool Alpacas are sheared once a year in the spring, in each shearing you can obtain roughly 5 to 10 pounds of fleece. It is very common to think that baby alpaca wool comes literally from a baby animal and why wouldn't you believe that, after all, that's what the name says. However......